Wednesday 12 November 2014

Art installations in public spaces

I miss the public space sculptures scattered all over NYC. This sculpture in the making on the Brown University campus reminded me that I need to go in search of public space art in Providence.


Thursday 14 August 2014

Another beautiful find at farmer's market

This find is from the farmer's market at the Armory. The mushroom stall had fascinating variety of mushrooms. I might go back to try other varieties.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Edible arrangements

Beautiful but short lived pumkin flowers.  Flower arrangement doubles up as fresh produce for next couple of meals. :)

We have been exploring various farmer's markets this summer. In spte of the Hope street farmer's market being so close, the south side farmer's  market on Broad street is the one we love to go to. If we go early enough we have a good chance of getting pumpkin flowers and pumpkin leaves.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Live Sculpture

This sculpture in Lipitt park is called Hummingbird Palace. For a beautiful piece that looks like delicate sugar art, the word palace is really jarring. 

I am looking forward to the sculpture being more alive and less distant looking when the flowering vines grow and the humming birds arrive next summer.

 Hummingbird Palace